Seven-year-old Evan Craig is the proud winner of this year’s Plymouth Armed Forces Day badge design competition, sponsored by the Military Kid’s Club (MKC) Heroes.

Evan’s RAF-inspired design includes Smeaton’s Tower and an air display from the Red Arrows. He said: “I chose Smeaton’s Tower as you see it on all things to do with Plymouth and I chose the RAF Red Arrows as they do spectacular displays.”
His pin badge is on sale now for £3 at the Tourist Information Centre on The Barbican and all proceeds will go to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
Badges will also be on sale at the Plymouth Armed Forces Day event, Saturday 30 June, in the MKC Heroes marquee in the Royal Navy Village.
MKC Heroes is a tri-service children and young people’s voice group formed in Plymouth. Plymouth MKC is the biggest cluster in the country with over 60 member schools.
Pete Ogburn, MKC Heroes Trustee, said: “It is always a privilege for MKC Heroes to support the Plymouth Armed Forces Day badge competition. Evan’s design was chosen from over 400 entries for its feeling of celebration, the iconic Smeaton’s Tower and the reference to the 100th anniversary of the Royal Air Force. The children and young people from MKC Heroes hope they can sell all their badges to raise as much as possible for the Poppy Appeal.”
Susanne Archard, Area Manager for The Royal British Legion, said: “Congratulations to Evan for his inspiring award-winning design. The image marks the hugely important milestone for the RAF this year with their 100 year anniversary, but with a Plymothian flavour!

“Working closely with MKC Heroes, the Royal British Legion is able to support the essential work they do with children of service personnel. It’s terrific to see that children and young people can make their own special contribution to Armed Forces Day.
“My deep thanks to all at MKC Heroes for using the badge to raise money for our Poppy Appeal. The money raised will help us provide vital services and support to the Armed Forces community where there is the greatest need. I shall be honoured to wear mine.”
Last year’s badge raised more than £1,650.
Plymouth Armed Forces Day will see a packed day of activity on Plymouth Hoe, featuring parades, exhibitions, a thrilling air display, static helicopters, military vehicles and a free evening concert.