We would like to thank our partner Ivor Dewdney in providing pasties for the Forces working at Plymouth Armed Forces Day.

Ivor Dewdney have always had a strong connection to HM Forces and try to do what they can to give something back to them.
Ivor Dewdney have sent their pasties to various units serving around the world, including the Falkland Islands, Bosnia, Kuwait, Aden, Iraq, Afghanistan and Northern Ireland.
Many of HM Ships returning to the UK will ask Ivor for pasties as part of their 'homecoming'. One of these was HMS Duncan, recently featured on TV and have recently been in touch asking for pasties again when they return this year.
Ivor sponsor the Navy Cup, and have done for many years, with next year marking their 20th year of sponsorship. Prior to that, Ivor sponsored Devonport Field Gun Crew up until Command Field Gun stopped in 1999/2000, but now are again are sponsors and have been for the last few years.
As well as Plymouth Armed Forces Day, Ivor have also provided for various Freedom of the City marches, as requested by the Lord Mayor’s Office.
Ivor also provide pasties for Exeter's Armed Forces Day.
Finally, Ivor Dewdney also provided pasties to the Royal Tank Regiment when they came to Slapton Sands to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Exercise Tiger.
A brief history of Ivor Dewdney
Ivor George Cann Dewdney was born on 14 May 1905. At 21 years old he started making his own pasties in his mother’s kitchen and selling them to people in the pubs in Plympton. After building up his business in Plympton, he had saved enough money to open a shop in Plymouth and on May 23 1939, he opened his first shop in King St, Plymouth.
War broke out in September 1939. Ivor joined the Home Guard and Plymouth was badly blitzed but Ivor stayed open throughout. After the war in 1957, Ivor built the shop at 99 Cornwall St and moved his business there. It was the first shop to be built there, the rest of the street being houses.
In the present day, many people told Ivor that his venture would never work and that a shop that sold just pasties would never last, over 75 years later and they are Still Going Strong...
From this shop and bakery, the business has grown to having nine shops, all supplying Ivor Dewdney’s own special brand of pasties. The business today is now run by Ivor’s grandchildren, who are proud to carry on the fine traditions that have made the Ivor Dewdney® pasty special.
Find out more about Ivor Dewdney